We are conducting physical viewings again
With a recent change in Swiss government regulations, we are now allowed to conduct physical viewings of our chalets and apartments, where we have put in place the necessary measures of protection and precautions to keep you and our colleagues safe.
As it stands, the Swiss borders to France, Germany and Austria will be opened from the 15th June, allowing for further buyers to come and view properties. All restaurants, bars and shops are already welcoming our clients with the necessary measures, and the cable cars and gondolas will be ready to bring you up the mountain as of the end of June.
We understand that it is hard to keep on top of all of the latest government guidance, especially when you are not based in Switzerland, so we will be working hard to keep you updated with the current situation. Please keep an eye out on our website, Facebook and Instagram for updates.
Meanwhile, we are continuing to offer virtual tours for all of our properties.
If you wish to contact us please send an email to info@alpinehomesintl.com or give us a call +41 27 323 77 77.